1736 Family Crisis Center’s CalWORKs (California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids) program provides support to victims of domestic violence. The program helps families with children who do not have enough money for their basic needs because a parent is unemployed, disabled, not around to care for the children, in jail, or has died. The person who takes care of the children may not be able to afford to pay for the family's food, rent, clothing, and other basic living expenses. The main objective of 1736 FCC is to help the client overcome barriers to employment because of domestic violence and to obtain employment so s/he can live independently.
Los Angeles County families receiving CalWORKs are referred to the agency by their GAIN worker. Case management services provide clients the supports needed to navigate services, including job development, legal and mental health services. Clients are linked to an employment specialist who assists them with obtaining employment by working one-on-one with the client to create a resume, develop a career profile, and practice job interviewing. The employment specialist attends job fairs with clients and along with the community service center supervisor, does outreach in the community to establish relationships with employers so that clients can more easily be hired. Legal and mental health services are provided internally as needed.
Service Locations:
Arlington Community Service Center
2116 Arlington Ave., Ste. 200
Los Angeles, CA 90018
Torrance Community Service Center
21707 Hawthorne Blvd., Ste. 300
Torrance, CA 90503