Legal Services

lawyer helping mother and teenage son

1736 Family Crisis Center provides comprehensive, in-house legal services so that domestic violence and human trafficking survivors and homeless veterans can easily access legal aid and be adequately represented in court. The agency’s in-house Legal Services Department was established in 2007 in response to increasingly complex legal needs of its clients who were victims of domestic violence, sexual assault/abuse, dating violence, and stalking. In-house legal services include court representation in the areas of restraining orders, child custody/visitation, divorce proceedings, paternity establishment, and child and spousal support. Additional legal services include assistance with criminal record expungement, name change, consumer bankruptcy, access to benefits, special education and other legal aid.  Legal services combined with 1736 FCC’s case management, counseling and related ancillary services are holistic for maximum effectiveness, which ensures a lasting positive impact on victims’ lives. Referrals are made by internal and external case managers, other public, non-profit and governmental agencies as well as community-based organizations. All applicants are screened for eligibility criteria and willingness to participate in program functions and desire to overcome legal barriers to self-sufficiency.